Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
The purpose of this page is to answer as many frequently asked questions as possible. However, if you still have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us for clarity. If your questions have been adequately answered and you are confident to proceed and place an order, please checkout our products page for available offers. Our website using a shopping cart system to facilitate the order and payment process. It is very easy and intuitive but if you’re very new to this, please get some information on how to order.
General and Products (18)
Yes, we’re 100% legit. Not legit as in “operating according to law” but legit in the sense that we’re true and keep to our promise of
- high quality products,
- competitive prices,
- guaranteed express worldwide delivery and
- re-ship/refund policy.
Most illegitimate sites are new sites that just spring up to steal from people, and then shut down (or are forcefully shut down) within a few months. If you check or public WHOIS record you will see that we’ve existed since December 2015 and are still actively doing business till now.
In addition to high quality products/services, we have a very good re-ship/refund policy. If for any reason your package is lost, damaged or seized by customs, we re-ship. If the second shipment attempts fails, we refund.
We have top delivery destinations such as local delivery within USA and Russia, UK, Australia, etc… that we’ve fully mastered and can always guarantee that package will go through in the very first shipment attempt.
How to tell if your drink has been spiked. According to the NHS many date rape drugs take between 15-30 minutes to take effect. After this, symptoms may include: lowered inhibitions, problems with speech, vision or movement, confusion, paranoia, memory loss or even hallucinations
Symptoms could include:
- feeling drunk, woozy or drowsy
- feeling drunker than expected
- mental confusion
- hallucinations
- speech difficulties such as slurring
- memory loss
- loss of inhibitions
- nausea and vomiting
- seizures
- loss of consciousness
- an unusually long hangover
- a severe hangover when you had little or no alcohol to drink.
They may ask you to provide blood and urine samples. Most drugs leave the body within 72 hours of being taken (the date rape drug GHB leaves the body within 12 hours), so it’s important to be tested as soon as possible.
Duration of Effects. The effects of GHB are typically felt within 10 minutes of ingestion and last for up to seven hours. The long duration of the high is why many people like taking the drug at parties or raves that are meant to last all night.
Some tests can detect GHB: blood tests – up to 6-8 hours, swab tests – between 10 minutes and six hours, and urine tests – up to 12-24 hours. As GHB is known as a date rape drug, testing is crucial. … We should mention that the drug is eliminated mainly via expiration, and only 5% of the time does urine excretes the GHB.
At high doses they can cause a temporary coma or loss of consciousness. (The user passes out and cannot be woken up for 4-5 hours.) Effects from GHB and GBL can be felt within 30 minutes and last about 3-4 hours. BD takes longer to feel, and its effects last longer.
GHB (fantasy) Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is a depressant drug that slows down the activity of the brain and parts of the central nervous system. GHB commonly comes as a colourless, odourless, bitter or salty-tasting liquid, usually sold in small bottles or vials, such as soy sauce containers.
Effects of GHB. It can take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour for GHB to kick in. It has been known for the effects to last up to a full day.
While GHB is rapidly metabolized through the body, urine drug tests can detect the substance up to 12 hours after it has been ingested. This substance can be detected in blood tests up to 72 hours, or three days, after the drug has been consumed
GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) is a depressant drug. Depressant drugs do not necessarily make a person feel depressed. They slow down the activity of the central nervous system and the messages going between the brain and the body.
Possibility of GHB Addiction
Yes, people who take GHB or GBL regularly can develop a dependence on the drug. People have reported the following withdrawal symptoms: confusion, shaking, epileptic seizure and coma.
These withdrawal symptoms are especially likely if the user runs out of the drug and has to suddenly stop taking it.
Is it dangerous to mix with other drugs?
Yes, it is particularly dangerous to mix GHB and GBL with other depressants and sedatives.
Avoid mixing GHB and GBL with:
- alcohol
- opioids (heroin, codeine)
- tramadol
- benzodiazepines (Xanax, diazepam)
- ketamine
Possible Physical Health Risks associated with GHB
- It’s very easy to overdose on GHB and GBL. Overdosing can lead to unconsciousness, coma and death.
- Because GHB and GBL can make people pass out easily, they’ve been linked to rape and other sexual assaults.
- If not diluted properly, GHB and GBL can burn the mouth and throat when swallowed.
Possible Mental Health Risks associated with GHB
GHB and GBL can result in short term confusion and disorientation. We don’t yet know what the effects are on the brain from taking these drugs repeatedly.
What is GHB & GBL cut with?
The strength of GHB and GBL varies from bottle to bottle. At present, there is little reliable evidence to determine the purity of GBL.
How long the effects last and the drug stays in your system depends on how much you’ve taken, your size, whether you’ve eaten and what other drugs you may have also taken.
How Long GHB Take to Kick in
It can take from 10 minutes to an hour for GHB or GBL to take effect. You should always wait for at least two hours before taking another dose. Overdosing on GHB and GBL is very easy to do.
How long the Effects of GHB lasts
The effects can last for seveal hours.
How long will GHB be detectable?
How long a drug can be detected for depends on how much is taken and which testing kit is used. This is only a general guide.
GHB and GBL will typically show up in a urine sample for 24 hours afterwards.
How long a drug can be detected for depends on how much is taken and which testing kit is used. This is only a general guide.
What does GHB look like?
GHB (gammahydroxybutrate) and GBL (gammabutyrolactone) look identical.
They are sold as:
- colourless oily liquids
- capsules, but this is rare
- as powder or paste, but this is also rare
GHB has a medical use in the treatment of narcolepsy, and GBL is used in stain remover, rust remover, superglue remover, as an alloy cleaner and as a paint stripper.
What is the Taste and Smell of GHB?
- GHB has almost no smell and a salty/soapy taste.
- GBL has a very strong chemical taste and smell.
Date Rape Drugs
A date rape drug is any drug that is an incapacitating agent which—when administered to another person—incapacitates the person and renders them vulnerable to a drug-facilitated sexual assault, including rape. No drug has ever been designed and created for the sole purpose of rape or sexual assault. The so called date rape drugs are actually regular drugs that are used medically for various purposes such as sedatives. What are some examples of ate rape drugs?
Date rape drugs are sometimes used during sexual assault
Sexual assault is any type of sexual activity that a person does not agree to. It can include touching that is not okay; putting something into the vagina; rape; and attempted rape.
Date rape drugs are powerful and dangerous.
They can be slipped into your drink when you are not looking. The drugs often have no color, smell, or taste, so you can’t tell if you are being drugged. The drugs can make you become weak and confused — or even pass out — so that you cannot consent to sex. If you are drugged, you might not remember what happened while you were drugged. Date rape drugs may be used on both females and males.
The term date rape is misleading
These drugs also are known as “club drugs” because they tend to be used at dance clubs, concerts, and “raves.”
The term “date rape” is widely used. But most experts prefer the term “drug-facilitated sexual assault.” These drugs also are used to help people commit other crimes, like robbery and physical assault. They are used on both men and women. The term “date rape” also can be misleading because the person who commits the crime might not be dating the victim. Rather, it could be an acquaintance or stranger.
Illegal in most countries but can be used for genuine purposes
In most countries, date rape drugs are either illegal or controlled. We do sell them but every buyer has the responsibility of not using them for illegal purposes. Our clients buy these drugs for club use and for an enhanced sexual experience with a consented partner, not rape. They can also use them for other purposes such as sleeping aids or sedatives. Some of these drugs are even research chemicals used for research and study purposes or for the production of other substances.
Date Rape Drugs for Sale
We started selling only GHB. After about a year, we decided not to continue disappointing the clients frequently requesting GBL (since they are closely related) so we added that to the list too. Selling GHB and GBL made it very evident to clients that we were into the date rape drugs business so they started request several others. Today, our full inventory include the following;
- GHB Powder
- GHB Liquid
- GHB Pills
- GBL Powder
- GBL Liquid
- Rohypnol 1mg Tablets
- Rohypnol 1mg Tablets
- Chloral Hydrate Capsules
- Ketamine HCL Crystal Powder
- Ketamine HCL Injection
- 1 Pack of EZ Test Kits (12 per pack)
- Free EZ Test Kit
We’re not sure we shall be adding more products in the near future because we are targeting clients within a specific field and believe that staying small will make us more effective.
The Free EZ Test Kit will go a long way to proof to buyers that we offer high quality products. It is given only once per client. Each order also comes with a guide that contains instructions on how to use the kit for quality testing and dosage instructions for all our products for various occasions/scenarios.