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Delivery Guarantee

Delivery Guarantee or Money Back Guarantee

Delivery Success Rate


Attempted Deliveries

Successful Deliveries

Delivery Success Rate

Last Updated: [wpdts-date start="last week friday"]

Delivery guarantee especially to any of the 100+ countries we have previously delivered to. We can’t lie that all shipments are 100% successful all the time especially since we deal in controlled substances and substances of questionable legal status across different countries. It is for this reason that we have a strong and straightforward return, reship and refund policy in the client’s interest to make sure that no matter what the circumstances are, you do not lose any money. This falls in line with our money back guarantee. The bottomline is that if a shipment fails as a result of the package being seized by customs, we reship. If the second attempt fails, we refund.

Delivery Guarantee

A shipment failure can occur only when shipping to a destination we have never shipped to before. Once we successfully ship to a country once or twice, we fully master how delivery to that country works and how to always beat the system. This does not mean that you should be afraid or shy away from us if we’ve never shipped to your country. You are fully protected by our policies and money back guarantee. If shipment fails, we reship. If the second attempt fails, we refund.

Delivery Guarantee to 100+ Countries

We have recorded successful deliveries to 100+ countries including USA, Canada, Australia and UK and more. Our success rates are lower for some destinations. However, we do not refund you immediately there is a failure delivery. We make a second attempt to re-ship the package to you. If this second attempt fails, then you get a refund. `